
Златина и Теодор, Ловна резиденция Скалско
Златина и Теодор, Ловна резиденция Скалско

Пиша този пост с огромна благодарност и признателност към Петя. Беше нужен само един разговор по телефона, за да си кажа “Тя ще е!”, а още след първата ни среща с нея разбрахме, че е най-добрият избор за наш сватбен фотограф. Освен че получихме съдействие и подкрепа по време на организацията, Петя ни показа и прекрасно отношение през целия сватбен ден.

Пети, ти си страхотен професионалист и прекрасен човек! Благодарим ти, че ни подари един незабравим спомен! Благодарим ти за всяка усмивка, всяко напътствие и всяка добра дума! Несъмнено твоят професионализъм личи във всички снимки, които ни направи и които всеки път, когато разглеждаме ни връщат към емоцията от нашият сватбен ден!

Горещо те препоръчваме за фотограф на най-значимите събития в живота!До нови срещи!Злати и Тео


Виктория & Даян , яз.Палиций
Виктория & Даян , яз.Палиций

Петя е една истинска професионалистка, но това е най-малкото нещо с което може да я опише човек. Освен, че си разбира перфектно от работа тя е и невероятен съветник, а опита който има зад гърба си я прави изключително ценна в това отношение. Изключително много ни облекчи при организирането и даде съвети, които само човек, който е видял много може да ти даде.

Ralitsa and Christo, Veliko Tarnovo
Ralitsa and Christo, Veliko Tarnovo

Petya is a great professional    
Our pictures are incredibly beautiful, she was very precise, correct, helpful with the organization, and the tips were very accurate and timely.
He helped us long before the wedding, and during the same.
She was ready with the result before the deadline, and the photo shoot itself was wonderful.

Ana-Maria and Hristo, Veliko Tyrnovo
Ana-Maria and Hristo, Veliko Tyrnovo

Thanks is a little word about what we feel about you. You are gorgeous. Professional and wonderful human. There are less and less responsive and humane people. You are one of them. Our pictures are unrealistic. And the help, I personally got from you I will always remember it. We wish you much success in the future and be so smiling and positive. We are such Petys !
P.S. To baptize our next child you are busy, from now on you know !

Надя & Виталий, RIU Pravets Golf & SPA Resort
Надя & Виталий, RIU Pravets Golf & SPA Resort

Безкрайно сме благодарни, че пътищата ни се кръстосаха с Петя!! Тя е не само страхотен професионалист, но и прекрасен човек - невероятно лъчезарна, положителна и усмихната. Личи й, че обича работата си - както по време на събитието, така и в крайния резултат. 

В рамките на приготовленията, когато изпратих на Петя снимки, които ме вдъхновяваха като стил, а и някои, които исках да пресъздадем, нейната реакция беше "Правим го." Давам това като пример, защото според мен олицетворява отношението й към света, околните и работата. Тя наистина е страхотен професионалист и работи усърдно.Изключително успокояващо е да знаеш, че в сватбения си ден - един от най-важните в човешкия живот - можеш да се довериш напълно на фотографа и човека до себе си. Чувствах, че мога да се обърна към нея за каквито и да е съвети поради опита й в множество сватби и други събития. Освен че се съветвах с Петя за графика на сватбата, тя дори ми помогна да сложа булчинските си обувки, тъй като бързахме да стигнем навреме за още една фотосесия преди церемонията (smiley)

Не стигат думите, нужни, за да изразя благодарността си и да опиша Петя! Снимките, които тя направи по време на сватбата ни, са уникални и говорят сами за себе си. Бих я препоръчала горещо на всеки, който иска да си направи не просто поредната фотосесия, а такава с характер! Благодаря и всичко добро!

Carolina and Vladimir, Sofia
Carolina and Vladimir, Sofia

Petya! Petya! Petya! Petya! You are a miracle worker. I'm coming back with tons of work and fatigue and I see ... our pictures. And look, look, look again! My eyes are sore. How many nice pictures! Oh, these two how sweet they are! Wait, are we? Wow, even Vlado poses without a fuss !? Petya, how did you do it? You are a miracle! And the photos ... wipe my tears and my face smiles. I can not express what I feel! I'm glad she was our photographer! You are really a wizard! THANK YOU! :)

If besides wedding photography, you are looking for a person who:
- be calm and cheerful and smile all the time;
- to calm the bride in critical moments;
- to make photos of the newlyweds who do not like to pose;
- give you ideas and tips for the program on the wedding day;
- to bring up a peak in the name of your memories;
- to curb dishonest guests;
- to bring order to a chaos;
- to communicate casually but professionally;
- to put love in the work;
- to tease you when you look at the ready footage ...
(the list may be even longer)

Turn to Petya Thank you for not being afraid of the challenges and embracing any crazy ideas!

Гергана и Ивайло, гр.София
Гергана и Ивайло, гр.София

Възхитени сме от Петя - отношение и професионализъм! Случайната ни среща се оказа просто най- точното решение за сватбените ни снимки и запечатани спомени. В този напрегнат от емоции ден, Петя всеотдайно и спокойно ми помагаше в приготовленията, успокояваше ме и давеше идеи..беше толкова внимателна, усмихната и овладяна, внасяше ред с финес, където беше нужно и най- вече имаше страхотно търпение (дори с толкова непохватни и несвкинали на фотографски кадри и сесси младоженци). Успя да запечата точно всички моменти, движения, усмивки и сълзи от радост. Направи невероятни снимки (и като качество, и като идеи), защото съм сигурна, че обича работата си и това си личи! Благодарим ти от сърце, Петя! Препоръчвам я горещо за всичките ви важни моменти!!!!

Кристина и Теодор, гр.София
Кристина и Теодор, гр.София

Здравейте, искам да изкажа възхищението си от фотографа Петя Табакова! Тя е не само страхотен професионалист, но и невероятен човек. Изключително мила и усмихната беше през цялото време, успя да създаде атмосфера и да ни предразположи по време на снимките. Горещо препоръчвам!

Hristina and Ivan, Sofia
Hristina and Ivan, Sofia

Petya, you are not only a great profesional, but also a great person!
You were the one who gave us ideas, dress up my dress, that was next to us and brought peace and mood in this fast-paced day. The enthusiasm and the positive attitude you are working with are prerequisites for the great successes you achieve and we are sure you will do it in the future!
When a person does something with all their heart and soul, the result is there. You managed to seal every detail and emotion and give us a wonderful lifetime memory!
Continue to enjoy people with the art you create!
We wish us more happy moments , witch you can seal ❤️

Vanina and Cailin, Veliko Tarnovo
Vanina and Cailin, Veliko Tarnovo

Pete, thank you from all the heart for the incredible photos! You are not only an outstanding professional but also a great gperson who predisposed us with his friendly attitude and positivism to make a great photo session despite the hot wedding day! You have sealed the incredible emotion of our wedding, and we continue to be excited about each of the photos. We wish you success in your future creative endeavors and we hope to have a chance to take a shot again soon :)

Desislava and Nikolai, Sofia
Desislava and Nikolai, Sofia

The best professional with the biggest heart and smile! You were with us and next to us before the big day and himself! Thank you for your patience, the captured moments, the wonderful tips and the uniquely captured moments! Our pictures are more than sweat, gentle and SUPER NICE !!! You shot our story!
We recommend Petya Tabakova as your photographer for every cause! Trust her without a doubt!

Julia & Ivan, Sofia
Julia & Ivan, Sofia

From the first phone call I realized that she was the person we would trust to seal the memories of our wedding day. Unique person and great professional. Thank you for being on this very important day, not only as a professional as you are, but also as a real friend who together with us experienced and shared every emotion, smile and tear. Thank you for being able to capture and seal every moment of our slightly crazy wedding with a gentle smile. And above all, we want to thank you for being part of our day.

Elitsa & Doncho, Veliko Tarnovo
Elitsa & Doncho, Veliko Tarnovo

Brilliant, smiling, lovely and inspiring for nice postures :)
Thank you for the cadres in which you were able to seal the happiness and emotion that we experienced throughout the day! Keep going! Success! I'm already thinking about future tasks;)

Nina and Milen, Sofia
Nina and Milen, Sofia

Petya recreates the emotion from our wedding day in incredible footage and seals every detail! Smiling, thirsty, energetic ... great man and photographer! Every meeting for us was a pleasure! Thank you, Pete!

Mirela and Miladin, Veliko Tarnovo
Mirela and Miladin, Veliko Tarnovo

"We chose you before we met, because we knew you were a great guy, and a little later, the professional we just needed, no more, no less! Thank you in the first place for the wonderful pictures, life-filled moments, emotion, and what we value most - your personality that can be seen in every photo, and last but not least, the valuable advice she gave us before and during the wedding

Silvia, Pavlikeni
Silvia, Pavlikeni

Admiration for a professional! For a woman loving what he does! Because the pictures are "talking", because they show the professionalism, and behind them they see the love with which they are made!
Thank you, Petya, for "sealing" some of our family's precious moments! And you will continue to do it!!❤❤❤

Ognyana, Veliko Tarnovo
Ognyana, Veliko Tarnovo

A photographer - often our association is for a man who just catches the camera and shoots ... Well, I guess it's not that simple! It takes sense and abilities to capture the frame as you do - Petya! Thank you for storing an unforgettable moment in my life with the most important people for me! Make it look like a fairy tale in which the main heroine I am. The professionalism you work with makes people relax in front of your lens and from there your work starts ... with ease, in the most beautiful way you recreate what has happened ! A great BRAVO and gratitude to you!

Galina Nikolova, Varna
Galina Nikolova, Varna

Sincere thanks to us for the great professionalism and dedication.Pety, thank you for being part of our celebration that you were our photographer in this important day for us, the photos are great, we are glad to meet you, sunny and positive human

Irena and Georgi, Veliko Tarnovo
Irena and Georgi, Veliko Tarnovo

A great professional with an extraordinary sense of detail and mood. Thanks for the opportunity to meet and make our wedding day a truly memorable one. With ease, you can recreate every emotion from this moment!

Ral and Matteo, Milano, Italy
Ral and Matteo, Milano, Italy

“ Petq is extremely professional and a great photographer to have on your wedding. We wanted a more natural style of photos for our September outdoors wedding and she followed the brief perfectly. She also found great locations for the romantic photo session we did prior to the wedding party. I enjoyed having her on our day and the final output is really what I was looking for in my wedding photos. Thank you so much Petq!“

Maya and Biser, Sofia
Maya and Biser, Sofia

We love you! Petya Tabakova - You are number 1! Thank you very much! I have no idea how to express our gratitude for your work! If it depends on us you will be the only one because you are the PHOTOGRAPH !!!! We are glad we know you :)